Database sharding

Data partitioning, or sharding, involves dividing a large database into smaller pieces. This helps improve how the database is managed, its performance, availability, and how the application distributes its workload. The idea behind sharding is that once a database reaches a certain size, it’s more efficient and cost-effective to add more machines horizontally (meaning, adding … Continue reading Database sharding

Latency metrics

Latency measures are crucial for checking how well your apps and services perform. Latency means the total time it takes for a piece of data to go from where it starts to where it ends up, usually on a network. When we talk about latency, we’re mostly talking about how fast things move in a … Continue reading Latency metrics

Kubernetes Resource Quota and LimitRange

Kubernetes allows you to manage your application in numerous ways. Consider that your users spread across multiple teams, or projects, at that time we can start thinking about using namespaces within Kubernetes cluster. In Kubernetes, namespaces provide a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. Namespaces are way to divide cluster resources in groups … Continue reading Kubernetes Resource Quota and LimitRange

PACELC theorem

In any distributed system, different kinds of failure can happen like network loss or device failure in a machine etc. So What are the guiding principles says about the desirable balance between various characteristics of distributed system. CAP theorem According to this theorem, its impossible for distributed system to provide all these three characteristics at … Continue reading PACELC theorem

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR)

What is Business continuity and disaster recovery? BCDR represents a set of approaches or processes that helps a company to recover from a disaster so company can resume its routine business operations. Disasters includes hardware failure, natural calamities (earthquake or flood), network failure, employee negligence, outages or disruption due to power failure, cyberattacks etc. A … Continue reading Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR)